Monday, October 28, 2013

Hang On...

Permits. Permits. Permits. Pieces of paper that read, "Yes, it's ok for this property to be changed." When we first started this journey with the home renovation, we had high hopes that work could begin mid-October. Here we are, October 28th, and...nadda. Why?'s not time yet. I mean, if it were all up to me I would have just signed the papers and said, "Yes! Proceed!"'s not in MY time. It's in God's time. So God has said, "Hang on here. It's not time yet. Patience, Grasshopper." (Well, He may not have said that last part, but you get the idea.) What's the hold up? The Septic. It's old and needs to be up to code before the county will give us permits. Well, that's not entirely true. There needs to be a PLAN to update the septic submitted to the county and then permits will be given. And even then we have to wait 7-10 days in case anyone wants to formally submit an objection of some kind to the county. And then...then we can begin digging. Who is going to do the septic work? Well, my husband of course? Didn't know he was a plumber did you? Well, I didn't either. He will be getting help from his dad and a neighbor who is a "septic guy" so it seems he will be fine with that "little" project. We have some friends here in Fishers who I'm sure would like to submit an objection to the county just to delay our move-in date further. Thanks for that, friends. We are flattered. In the meantime, we are great. Yes, we really are. It's tough though. Chad working 6-7 days a week, 12 hours/day, sometimes more. It's hard on both of us. The boys miss him. Chad has made it a point to get to Mass with us every Sunday, and we are finding that all three of the boys want to sit with me during Mass. Teddy hangs on my left, Christian on my right, and Charlie in my lap resting his head on my shoulder. His favorite phrase is "Mommy, carry you," ("you" meaning "me".) So, I haven't heard the Homilies for the last 5-6 weeks. But, you know what? It's ok. I get frustrated because I just want to listen to what Father is saying. But then, I tell myself, "God doesn't need you to hear this message today. It's ok. Be as present as possible, but take care of your children." And so I do. Sometimes begrudgingly, but I do. I'm finding other ways to take care of "me". I do an Insanity class at the Y at 5:15am every Monday. The time of the class and the actual class are both insane! But, dang it makes me feel good. Wednesdays are PiYo, again at 5:15am, and I try to to a strength class either Tuesday or Thursday. I've just started trying to get in a weekend workout as well. So, that part is good, however, it's 7:45pm on Monday night, my muscles sore from Insanity, and I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open to type this post. And as I sit here and type, Charlie comes by with his trick-o-treat jack-o-lantern, holds it up to me and says, "How about cheeseburger?" Yes, my Little Man. I could go for a cheeseburger.

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