Thursday, March 6, 2014


3/6/14....March. The days are going by so quickly. Life is busy. Homeschooling, caring for my mother (who is on a new chemotherapy drug), trying to keep the house clean (and failing miserably!), social events, visits from family, working with a stager to get our home ready for the market, working on the new house, farm shows, business meetings, etc, etc. That has been our winter in a nutshell. I was so grateful that Lent started yesterday! It really has helped me to slow down a bit and put my focus back on the Lord. I got brave and took all three boys to Ash Wednesday Mass all by myself. That was a first for me. I hadn't taken the boys to Mass alone since Charlie was a baby, so it's been about 2 years. I am so happy that the boys were well behaved and took an interest in the Mass. Charlie had a big fascination with the ashes on our foreheads. It was very sweet. We went out to the new house today. I hadn't been there since Christmas time, and it looks so different. They are now hanging drywall and beginning mudding. They are also putting up the new wall in our basement (for my work-out space and Chad's office). More decisions came along with that- some spare of the moment, but, we worked them out. We have a great builder, and his Dad and brothers have been doing a lot of work on the home. Our new bathtub is installed, and everything is really beginning to come together. It seems like the time is winding down and it will be done now sooner, rather than later. People keep asking us if we have a move in date. My answer to that is, "In God's time". I'm comfortable with that answer and I'm at peace knowing that it's in God's hands. The reason for that is because of timing. You see...the builder can get all of the things done on his end. However, we have things we have to do (flooring, painting, lighting, and the actual moving in event). Getting those things done AND getting our home ready for sale is a little contingent on my mom, and how she is feeling. If she is doing well, we can get more done, because I won't need Chad at home as much when she is well. If she is not well, it's a different story. No, I'm not blaming her. I'm just speaking the truth, and she knows that. And you know what? It's ok. God is taking care of us. And when our home is ready to be put on the market, meaning we have had the time to get it ready, then it will be put on the market. Timing: not ours, but His. Here are some photos I took today. Our kitchen is completely gutted, and the drywall is being hung and should be done soon.

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