Monday, March 9, 2015

Baby Day is Almost Here!

I've been trying to come up with some ideas to blog about. It's been very difficult since my mom passed away in January. Before that, things were in a bit of a tailspin, and life was just full of emotion. Even now, there are many emotions as we are preparing to welcome our 4th child on March 12th, which is THIS THURSDAY! Right now I'm just busying myself with "getting ready" though, I know that my home will never really be in the pristine germ-free, dirt-free condition that I would like it to be in when baby comes home. There will always be clutter, there will always be dust, there will always be dirt. Hey, we live on a farm. We have a "Mud Room" for a reason- it's supposed to be dirty. Our farm is a mess right now. Meaning, the grounds. With the melting snow (not complaining that it's melting) a lot of mud gets tracked in. With a dog, three boys and a husband, well, mud is inevitable. But, it's ok. Being that spring is approaching, we are looking ahead to planting season. I'm so excited because this year, we are going to have a big garden. A big, farm garden, which has been my dream since we decided to move here. This will be my "baby" (next to our actual baby), and I'm excited at the possibilities that this garden gives us. Canning and freezing are at the top of my list. And you know what? I'm not afraid to fail at it. I'm ready to see what this soil can give us, and what, in turn, we can then give to others. I have a few words for my unborn child: I'm excited to meet you. Your Dad, brothers, and I cannot wait to see your little face and cuddle with you. Our family, we, are a bit nutty. We are silly. We love to laugh. We love to have fun. And, we are full of love. Our love for you has grown so much over the past 9 months, and it will continue to grow. My biggest wish for you is that you will love God, and you will know how special you are to Him. We are full of faith and we are full of hope. We cannot wait to get to know you and see the gift that God has blessed us with. I hope to be able to post a picture or 2 on this blog on Thursday. We will see how I am feeling.

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