Thursday, June 26, 2014

Criminy; That Stinker Cat!

Meet Stinker Cat.
Stinker Cat is the name that I gave to this barn cat that has repeatedly torn into our garbage bags in the garage. She has also tried numerous times to get into our house and has antagonized Murphy Dog. I suspect that she was also the same feline who was involved in a cat fight in our bushes in the middle of the night not too long ago. She is a stinker, that cat.
On Sunday morning, we were heading out to church, when Middle Man found a surprise in our garage.
Well, make that 4 surprises.
Yeah, I'm not a "cat person" mainly because I'm allergic to them, but I could definitely get into being a kitten person.
This cat, the boys named Fluffy. The golden one was named Fluffy Junior. Then, the two gray ones were named Nipper and UniCutie (If you have seen the Lego Movie, you get this).
After church, and the parish picnic, we headed back home. The kids were anxious to get back to the kittens. My concern was their well-being. I have my hands pretty full, and I was not about to become the parent to 4 kittens, though, they were very sweet.
After speaking with our neighbor, we came to the conclusion that the kittens were born in their barn, and that Stinker Cat had moved them, probably because something had spooked them. Our garage is not a good place for kittens, and Murphy Dog was not havin' it!
And as much as it pained my boys, we moved them back to the neighbors barn. The boys are able to visit them there, which they like. After the chaos of the event settled down, I started to feel bad for Stinker Cat, and I sort of started to like her. After all, she is a momma, trying to take care of her babes.
For living on a farm where we raise no animals, we have had our fair share of animal adventures this week. Murphy Dog found Ribbit the toad and managed to get him into his mouth twice. If you have ever seen a miniature schnauzer "play" with other animals, it's pretty entertaining. However, their play will often accidentally kill their playmate. So, I found Ribbit lying on his back on the grass in front of Murphy. I picked him up and realized he was playing dead (smart toad), so I walked him back over to the back of the drive way. He perked right up and peed on my hand. Nice. So, when this happened a second time the very next day, I thought twice about saving him. Not really. I don't want Murphy Dog chewing on Ribbit. It might get messy.
About a week ago there was a mouse in my windshield. Yep. I had loaded up the boys into the van, buckled myself in and was in reverse when I looked out ahead of me and saw two beady eyes looking up at me. A mouse. Underneath the windshield wiper. I put on the brakes and tried not to jump out of my skin. I can't react that way in front of the boys. They live on a farm, so being afraid of a mouse is not a good thing for them. I kept my cool, and watched as the mouse raced across the wipers and out into the field. Dang. Not expecting that. I'm not afraid of mice, but I'm not fond of them either. Thus the need for Stinker Cat n' Kittens.
Murphy Dog is very aware of the presence of Stinker Cat outside. Two nights ago, at 4:00am, Murphy Dog wanted to go outside. Now, I knew the real reason for Murphy wanting to go outside. He had that cat on his mind because he had seen her shortly before going to bed. He was awake, and wanted to see what she was up to. He was relentless and would not give up on it. I let him whine for a bit, but then knew that I had to take him outside in order to get any more sleep. Alright. Now, out here, there are no street lights, as I'm sure you guessed. There are no lights from buildings because there are no buildings. At night, it's pretty dark. Like, darker than dark sometimes. Going out at 4:00am with the dog in the dark was not something I really wanted to do. Our neighbors across the street have an outside light above their garage so I knew that would help. I also turned on our outside lights and looked out the window and found that we were in the middle of split pea soup. Holy fog, man. Thick, creepy, scary-movie-middle-of-the-night-fog. Dang. I looked at Murphy and I knew there was no getting out of this one. I put on my mud boots because I had no idea what I would step in at that point. I put Murph on his leash and we went outside. It was mega creepy. I walked with him down the driveway, not really being able to see much except the orange glow of the neighbors garage light. I could feel the fog as I walked through it. Every thing was still and I could hear the bullfrogs in the pond behind me. I couldn't see Murphy, only feel him on the leash. It was nerve-wracking at first. But then, I sort of settled into it. There I was, with my mud boots and pajamas on in the middle of the country in split pea soup at 4:00am. Whoa. Kinda cool. Never saw my life going in this direction. I breathed in the air and felt the moisture on my skin, and then... some rustling in the bushes in the field next to our driveway. SEE-YA!!! I got Murphy inside and after taking off my mud boots, we had a serious talk. I told him that middle-of-the-night-excursions-to-find-Stinker-Cat are NOT ALLOWED. No. If this happens again, I'm waking the farmer.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


We're in our third week here on the farm, and we are still very busy. Unpacking is going slowly, but I'm learning to live with clutter- for now. My farmer is building shelves for our 3 hallway closets as we speak, so once those are in, I can get things put away in the closets. I've wrote up a list of a few observations and quirky things that have happened since my last post.
1.) Did you know that you can put 31 bags and Coach purses in the washing machine? Yup! I found this out when I unpacked a box that had been in our garage since we staged our home for the market in March. It happened to be sitting right underneath some kind of weird canister that was leaking diesel fuel. The top of the box was saturated with it, thus leaking onto some of my nice bags. Rather than walk around smelling like a truck stop, I decided to throw them in the washer. What did I have to lose? After three washings and subsequent dryings, they are much cleaner. But, if you put your nose right into them, there are still traces of the smell. Oy.
2.) The farm is dirty, man. Don't walk into my house expecting to see and smell awesome cleanliness. You will see traces of it here and there. But mainly, there is a lot of dirt and dust.
Exhibit "A", this is how my boys' boots look after they come in from outside. Even our schnauzer, Murphy has decided to just let it go.
2.) There is a toilet right outside of our side door entrance. Yup. It's an old toilet that Chad recently replaced in his bathroom, (yes, he has his own bathroom, thank goodness!). The toily is just sitting there, waiting for Chad to take away to the farm dump (and yes, we have our own dump). I'm thinking of putting a flower arrangement in it. Don't judge.
3.) We live down-wind from a pig farm. This is awesome when it's windy and HOT!
4.) Well water does not taste terrible when it's cold, only when it's warm. And if you don't have salt in your water softener, your toilet water will look like apple cider. Ahem.
5.) The Dollar General sells cigarettes. In case you were needing some. But you can't smoke them here. The end.
6.) The stars in the night sky brilliant out here. We need a telescope. In case you wanted to buy us a housewarming gift.
7.) We have stars below, too. Last night the field right next to our driveway was full of firefly's. Absolutely brilliant. I was enjoying them so much, until my husband said, "You know what they're doing, right?" Yeah. Thanks for killing the moment, country boy.
8.) Holy cats! Chad and I woke up at exactly the same time last night: 12:50a.m. We woke to the sound of cats right outside our bedroom window. What first started as some low growling and hissing turned into a full-on cat fight in the bushes. It went something like this: "Meow." "Meow." "Meeeeeooowwww." "Meeeooowwww." "MEOW, MEOW MEOW!"MEOW, MEOW MEOW MEOW!" They were so loud. Can't they do that during the day?
Here are a few final observations:
Little Man's 3rd birthday celebration. After eating some of his cake, he wanted to give me a kiss. He kisses like a shark!
Chad and Middle Man, my farmers.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 1

I've been a resident of Shirley, Indiana for a week now. Here are the things I miss, OUTSIDE of all of my Fishers peeps because you all know that I miss you! (side note- you knew this list was coming!) 1.) My church. Oh, my SLDM community!!! We've only been away for a week and it feels much longer. I mean, really, how can that church building even stand without the presence of the Hanna family? Kidding, of course. We attended a much smaller Catholic church that is about 18 minutes away in Fortville, Indiana. Chad and I have both attended Mass there before. Small = less parishioners = less participation = NOT SLDM. But alas, I stay open. We all do. We may try another church in New Castle, however, the one in Fortville may be where we end up. 2.) SuperTarget. Yes, if you know me, you told me a long time ago that you knew I would miss this. And yes, I do. I made three trips to various stores last week, all 18-20 minutes away. SuperTarget was 3 minutes from my driveway to the parking lot. Oy vey. And they had a Starbucks. Oy vey again. So, I've tried Kroger in New Castle, Walmart in Greenfield (GASP! HOW COULD I???), and Meijer in Anderson. It's looking like Meijer is the clear winner, mainly because their produce is fabulous. But, seriously, you guys, that's my list. Those two things. I don't miss our old house like I thought I would. Sure, it was very sad to leave it. I miss parts of it, at times. But honestly, I'm loving all of this outside space!!! I love that we can walk down to our pond, say "hello" to our friend "Ribbit" the toad, and watch as turtles duck under the water. I love hearing the sounds at night; bullfrogs, crickets, and who knows what else out there. No humming air conditioners. No hum of the Interstate. NO EMERGENCY VEHICLES. Wow, that was a big one. We lived right off of a busy road and it seemed nonstop at times. In the week that we have been here, my two older boys have fallen in love with baseball, and both have learned to ride their bikes without training wheels. They were working on their bikes before we moved, but are finally starting to get the hang of it!'s the best part about living here so far: we get to see my hubby so much more. I took the boys outside today, and there he was, on the side of the house with his dad leaning against his pickup truck and chatting about farm business. They got to play and watch their dad work too. And the other day, T and Little C got to spend an hour with their dad in the fields, picking up rocks and sticks so they wouldn't get stuck in the tractor. My hubby comes in for lunch and we all have dinner together, too. Seriously, I kinda feel like I'm being spoiled with this family time, and I kinda feel like I've stepped back in time a bit. I've come across one big challenge though: getting unpacked!!! So, for now, I'm left with a bit of anxiety over this question: What does God want of me here? Because once the packing is done, and the boys are in school...then what? Here's another question: What does He want of us? What are we to do with this farm in the future? Veggies? Meat? Keep it the same? That's where I'm at right now. Will I end up driving the tractor some day? Haha...only the Lord knows. I'm hoping he'll clue me in soon...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

About the Move...

We're in you guys! We've spent two nights in the new house. Let me take ya' back to Sunday. Moving day was very emotional for me. Thank goodness for sunglasses and hats because I wanted to keep a low profile due to the fact that I kept tearing up. I also made myself in charge of getting the boys and the pooch to their "daycares" for the day. I volunteered to pick up lunch for everyone too.I was there for "executive decisions" and to clean out the fridge, and I was grateful that I didn't have to be at the house too much. It was just very sad for me. Here's a shot of T and C before they headed off. Chad was in charge of driving this bad boy. A 26 footer. When I asked him how he felt about driving such a large truck, he said, "The grain trucks are bigger." Yeah, so this was a walk in the park for him. I don't know what we would have done without these people. This is a shot of the moving crew, minus a couple that left before we could get a picture. (Thanks Steve and Erin! Your packing expertise made everything so much smoother!) Murphy was extremely confused by the whole situation. Luckily he and Christian headed off to the same "daycare" for the day at our good friend's house. Then it was time to say goodbye to our home in Fishers. After we got everything out, Chad lovingly said, "You know, without all of our things in it, it is just a house." He's right. But, I loved that house, because that's what I do; get all emotionally attached n'stuff.
A big thanks to Erin, Steve, Sam, Joel, Kim, Jarred, Jon, Ann, and Julie. The next post will be titled, "Week 1".